Saving Money On Your Flood Insurance Premiums: Four Tips For Homeowners

Due to the recent spate of flooding in Australia, many homeowners are seeing their flood insurance premiums increase. Although your premiums may increase, there are things you can do to keep your monthly costs a bit lower. Here are four money-saving ideas to explore: 1. Consider moving or choosing a new home If you are just thinking about buying a home in a flood plain, call and get an insurance quote first.

Why Invest In Commercial Fleet Insurance?

A large number of business owners have the false notion that commercial fleet insurance is only meant for big companies that have an endless fleet of vehicles. This is not entirely true because this type of insurance is also available for small commercial entities with a significantly lower number of vehicles in their fleet. Commercial fleet insurance is designed to cater for any business entity with two or more vehicles registered under the business or company names.

Understanding The Types Of Truck Insurance Coverage You May Need

If you're an individual owner-operator of a commercial truck or your company owns and uses commercial delivery trucks, you need to understand the various types of insurance that are available to you. Local laws will determine the types you're required to carry, but you may also want to consider additional coverage options as well. Consider the various types of truck insurance available so you can opt for the best coverage without paying for insurance you don't think you'll actually need.