How to Successfully Make a Workers Compensation Claim

Workers compensation is fully applicable in the event of a work-related accident. The same can also be applied to occupational illnesses. The Work Health and Safety (WHS), as well as the Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) regulations, do stipulate that injured employees should have access to three main components which include first aid, a workers compensation as well as a return to work rehabilitation. You, however, may be new when it comes to claiming your workers' compensation. To help you out, here are some details you might find informative.

  1. Are you a Worker? – Before you make a claim, it is essential to consider whether you are a worker as per the national regulations. Legally, a worker is anyone partaking part-time or full-time, casual or professional work for payment. Similarly, contractors can be workers depending on the working arrangement they use. If you fall into this category and have an employer, then you are legible for compensation.
  2. Making a Claim – When you are injured in the workplace, the very first step is to seek first aid as this will prevent further aggravation of the injury. After you are stable, inform your employer about the damage and seek medical assistance. While at the hospital, ask for the First Certificate of Capacity. You will also fill out a Workers Compensation Claim Form which is available online. After successfully filling the form, make a copy together with the First Certificate of Capacity and hand the original documents to your employer. The employer will lodge both with the insurer for five working days. After this is done, your insurer will notify you about the condition of your claim. The claim has three different possibilities which include; accepted, disputed and pending.

Accepted – Once the workers claim has been approved. You will be given weekly payments standing for your compensation. This will also hold for reasonable expenses if the injury keeps you from working.

Disputed – If the response status to your claim is disputed, then the insurer will not compensate you for your injuries. They will provide concise reasons as to why your application has been refuted. If you do not agree with the decision, you can approach the insurer to relook the decision.

Pending – A pending response means that the insurer has placed your claim on hold due to the lack of specific information. This gives them ten days they should use to decide on your application. However, if it remains pending even after the period, then it will be held as a dispute. This requires resolving at the Workers Compensation Conciliation Service.
